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Tax Preparation
A tax return is a document that is used to report your income, expenses, and other relevant financial information with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and/or State agency to determine if you met your tax obligation.
We are committed to prepare an accurate tax return for you and we will guarantee you the lowest tax liability available.
Tax Representation
We represent taxpayers who are struggling with tax debt and/or are being audited by the IRS. Do not go alone when facing the IRS you need a licensed individual such as a CPA, Tax Attorney or IRS Enrolled Agent to represent you before the IRS.
Amber “The Tax Lady” Whitehead is an IRS Enrolled Agent who has helped many of clients WIN audits from the IRS and get their tax debts resolved.
Small Business Solutions
As a business owner, you should not put your accounting and tax needs on the back burner, as this can cause you to pay more taxes than needed. We have solutions for every small business owner,
depending on your needs and budget.